What's This About? Pt 1

I was talking with one of my best friends recently over drinks. He asked how things were going with the business.

Or, more exactly, he asked “what is this business thing you’re building?”

It’s a coaching practice with applied improv workshops. Or workshops that lead into coaching.

“Wait, improv workshops? Do businesses need that?”

Honestly? They do. The skills we learn in the process of improv are many! Communication, collaboration, listening, taking risks – all of these are inherent when we study improv. Seeing failure as a step toward success? We improv all the time, every day. Why not get skilled at it? In a workshop, we get to explore strategies and those feelings that stop us from being the best version of ourselves.

“I don’t know. Sounds touchy-feely to me.”

Maybe we call it soft skills? Or even better, “essential skills”? Time after time, I see articles that this is what organizations are looking for.

“How’s that work?”

I’m glad you asked! I work with my client to determine their needs and desired goals or outcomes. Then, I develop a plan of the activities we’re going to use in the workshop. Each activity is followed by a series of meaningful questions that identify the learning and how it can be applied the very next day.

“All in one day?” He takes a slow sip from his drink and looks at me over the edge of the glass.

I offer 90-minute, half-day, and full-day workshops. Ideally, though? A series of workshops over the course of a few weeks is the most transformational.

“How so?”

It’s like we’re giving the brain a workout. I can’t go to the gym, lift 150 pounds, and be in shape.

 “You couldn’t go to the gym and lift 75 pounds!”

Ha-har. Seriously, it’s the repetition, practice, and application that cause the transformation. I’ve had feedback that studying improv has improved people’s personal and professional lives. They’re happier, more productive, and feel more engaged in all their relationships.

“So, …how does this work in a coaching relationship?”

You know, that’s a conversation for the next round.

My friend also asked, “How can I help?” You can like my posts. Comment, share, any engagement is appreciated. Also, if you know a person or two you think I should be talking to? I’m always looking to meet new people, share my message, and grow my network.

Until next week, stay awesome!