What, Me Worry?

My Worrier is out of control right now! There’s a parade of worrisome thoughts marching through my head and the Worrier is the band leader! Alas, I’m stuck in this spot and have to watch the parade that doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon. To make matters worse, no one, not even the clowns, are throwing candy!

Over the years, I have tamed the Worrier. Seriously! Had you known me in my twenties, I could worry myself into a hot mess that no amount of ice-cream could cheer up!

Along the way, I have learned to recognize the Worrier and what it feels like:

First, there’s the never-ending parade of thoughts. It’s like they’re on a loop. Here come the trombones. Then the flutes and clarinets. The drumline beats its cadence over and over. Followed by the saxophones and trumpets. Just when I think the parade is over, here comes the Worrier again, decked out with the frilly hat, the baton, keeping the tempo. Then the trombones, and so on…

Then there’s the pit in my stomach. It’s empty and dry. Not a comfortable feeling.

Then come the temptations (not The Temptations – that would be awesome!) of what to do:

  • Nothing

  • Take a nap

  • Eat ice-cream

  • Watch TV

  • Get busy ….tomorrow.

Anything but acknowledging the worry and deal with it. Which, of course, only encourages the parade. Lather, rinse, repeat!

Now that I can recognize the Worrier and all his marches, I’ve developed some strategies that seem to help:

  •  Take a walk. Without the phone or headphones.

  • Meditate and/or pray. Sit still for at least 5 minutes. Just breathe.

  • Today is a new day. Everything else is in the past. Give yourself permission to start fresh.

  • If that doesn’t work, how can you reboot today? For me, I’ll run through my morning routine again.

  • Take action to build motivation. Action creates action.

  • Accomplish one thing, big or small. Celebrate that success, that win.

  • Talk about the Worry with a trusted friend, a family member, or someone else.

You can stop the parade; it may return, and if you recognize it for what it is, you can choose to watch from a better vantage point. You might even get some candy thrown your way!

What are some tricks you use to quiet the parade? Drop a strategy in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you.

Joe Van HaeckeComment