You Are Meant For This Moment.

I was at the Des Moines’ Downtown Farmer’s Market last weekend and bumped into a friend from high school. Although we had a few classes together each year, I know her better now as an adult than ever in high school.

She was telling me how she’s looking for a new position and is struggling some. She gets nervous for interviews. 

“I don’t get it, Joe! I’ve worked in so many different positions. I know what I’m doing. I have the experience, and I know my stories. I just get so nervous in the interview.”

I offered some tips, such as holding a “power pose” before the interview. Then I laid this nugget on her: “Know that everything you’ve done, from Day 1 to high school to now, has prepared you for this moment. You are meant to be here.”

There was a pause and she looked at me, “How are you always so confident?”

And I had to think about that. ‘Cause, see, the last few days, I’ve been a wreck! I just woke up sad that then spiraled into self-doubt, including feeling of despair, loneliness, and frustration.

Fake it till you become it!

So how am I so confident? Sometimes, I fake it ‘till I believe it. Other times, I’ll put on a confident character. I just have to believe things work out for the best. A lot of that relies on how we perceive ourselves and the world around us. Know that, everything you’ve done has prepared you for this moment.

Try this: next time you feel less than confident and hear that voice inside your head, remind yourself “Hey, Self! Everything I’ve done, from Day 1 to now, has prepared me for this moment, right here, right now!”

Are you ready to build more confidence? I work with people who deserve more success. Schedule a complimentary call now.