
  • Have you found yourself asking “Why not me?

  • Feeling you deserve more in your career? In your personal life? From Life itself?

  • Are you ready to burst through your barriers, start living a “Yes, And…” Life, and experience a fulfilled, engaged, and successful life?

One-on-one coaching provides an opportunity to have a champion in your corner, someone to listen and support your ideas, and develop your vision of your best self. By weaving improv activities into your coaching sessions, we can start growing your approach to leadership, team work, and relationships to live the life you’ve always dreamt of.

Not sure what improv coaching looks like? Here are a few examples from recent coaching sessions. Used with permission, these example focus on the improv aspect and the following debrief and are just small parts of what we accomplish in an hour session.


Yes, but…

The antithesis of “Yes, And…” is “yes, but.” By choosing our words carefully, we can see how “yes, but” creates constraints, sucks energy, and kills the joy.

This short activity and following debrief allowed for personal insight and goal setting.

Everybody Go…

This activity gives us permission to be silly and laugh with ourselves. More importantly, it trains us to withhold judgment - judgment of others and, more importantly, judgment of our ideas and ourselves. Plus, it’s just a lot of fun!

I Brought You a Gift

This activity gets us in the mindset of bringing and accepting “gifts” in any conversation or discussion. We change our mindset to be open to ideas from others while accepting and building on those ideas. Additionally, we’re withholding judgment in order to be supportive of others while adding positivity and optimism to our lives.

Applied Improv Workshops

Improv workshops provide an entertaining and engaging way to get your people talking and sharing ideas. By creating a safe and supportive environment, workshops allow space for participants to develop and practice essential skills.

Each workshop is tailored to meet your organization’s needs and goals.

Below are some samples of different workshop activities.

ICF Iowa Chapter

This session shows how effective applied improvisation can be, even over video streaming! Fast forward to 10 minutes when the workshop starts. Watch for the debrief and how the rich conversation grows organically!

A workshop with the Applied Improvisation Network Reno Tahoe chapter. Start building connections and relationships with the members in your workshop. Whether you’re building a team, working on leadership skills, or brainstorming ideas, Tell That Story is a great way to generate synergy!


Introduction to Failure

In a workshop, participants often get concerned about doing things the "right way." In improvisation, there's not a real "right way" to do things; we accept failure as a means to success.



Rapid change is the constant these days. Applied Improvisation provides a fun and engaging means to experience how we set into routine and react when that routine is disrupted. When everyone is after the same objective, the volatility is easily managed.


The Debrief

Applied Improvisation workshops are full of fun and laughter. The real learning comes from the debrief after the activity. What's happening? What are we feeling? What have we learned? How can we apply it? Open, honest discussions, lead by an Applied Improvisation facilitator, provide a means for growth and success.

The Story of Your Name

Workshops can be intimidating, especially in a room of strangers. Getting people to talk helps them connect and eases the tension. Telling a story about your own name is the easiest thing to do. Best of all, it doesn't even have to be true!


The Fail Bow

We've been programmed to fear failure. Yet, if we're not failing, we're not trying, learning, or growing. Let's change failure into something positive; thus, the fail bow.



Life and work, as we know it, is now in a constant state of change. While we may be able to predict and prepare for some of the change, much of it is unpredictable. Through Applied Improvisation, we learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortableness of constant, random change.