Tomorrow Never Comes

“Tomorrow never comes.”

Sounds like the title of a James Bond movie, right?

Part of me wants to weave it into a comedy routine, maybe something like this:

(In my pseudo-Seinfeld voice.) Have you ever noticed we’re good, I mean really good, at putting things off until tomorrow?

  • I should do some laundry. Eh, I’ll do it tomorrow.

  • The yard could use a mow. I’ll do it tomorrow.

  • It is time to lose weight, write that screenplay, or travel the world? Tomorrow!

  • What about that big dream? I’ll get to it tomorrow.

But, tomorrow never comes! You wake up and now it’s today. Tomorrow is still tomorrow, just dressed different. We didn’t set out to do anything today! We’ll get to it … tomorrow!  

Next thing we know, today is yesterday, tomorrow is now today, and we still haven’t done a gosh-darn thing cause we’re waiting for tomorrow!

  • What if today is the day?

  • The day for laundry.

  • The day to mow.

  • The day to make that big dream happen.

What if today, we reach out to someone and say “today’s the day I start!”

Are you ready to start that dream? Write that screenplay? Is today the day you complete the projects you’ve been meaning to get to tomorrow? Need a cheerleader, an accountability partner, a coach? Contact me here, and let’s make today the Day!

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