At the Table

“If you’re in our house, you’re at our table.”

This was part of a eulogy I heard recently, recounting the selfless love of mother, grandmother, woman.

It reminds me of how Mom would treat our friends growing up, of how we treat the boys’ friends when they come over. Everyone is welcome at our table.

Mom would go out of her way to build connections and relationships with my friends. Likewise, I make an effort to connect with my sons’ friends. Whether it’s sharing a joke or engaging in a discussion or just being curious about their lives and their future plans. Everything with connection.

Creating a safe and supportive space to feel seen and heard takes intention and purpose. It’s not always easy to create a space where you are comfortable and encouraged to be your honest and authentic . A space where we can laugh or cry together. Practicing those skills at home makes it so much easier to implement the skills in other areas of your life.

We started with an environment where they feel welcome to come over. It has grown to a point where even if my boys aren’t home, their friends know they are welcome. Seriously, one day last summer, there was a knock on the door.

“Is Gabe home?”

“He’s not. I think he’ll be home soon. C’mon in!”

“Could you make cookies?”

By the time Gabe came home, the cookies were made, they had shared the latest happenings at school, what was frustrating about their jobs and what their plans for next year were. When Gabe walked in, he wasn’t surprised at all. He knows…

There’s room for everyone at our table.

If you and your team are looking for ways to open communication lines, practice vulnerability and set a table for everyone, I can help. If you personally or professionally are interested in learning skills to help you unlock your courage and tenacity, I can help. Help can be the form of a keynote speaker, workshop facilitator or personal coach. Whatever is needed, everyone is welcome at my table.

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