The Tools Are There

 “The tools are there for you to succeed.”

I was deep in a conversation with my brother when he said this. It’s been bouncing around in my mind ever since.

Yet, when I sit down to write this, I’m struggling. Is there a story I need to share? Some insight? A strategy I use that may help you? Oh, look, I haven’t checked Facebook in five minutes; I’m sure something important has been posted.

Well, I’m checking Facebook, what’s the haps on Twitter? LinkedIn?

Now I’m just getting in my way. The tools are rusty, I tell myself. Ugh, they feel heavy. I’ll have time tomorrow.

The tools we need to succeed are there for us. They don’t operate themselves, though. We still have to get out of our own way. We still must choose to pick up the tools, regardless of how heavy they feel, and actually put them to use.

I wish I had a magic wand or a phrase (“workio completish!”) or insight. Sometimes, it’s challenging to build motivation, consistency, and routine.

Remember: “The tools are there for you to succeed.”

Got a strategy that works for you? How do you break out of the lull when you’re just not feeling it? Drop a comment below – I’d love to hear from you.

Joe Van HaeckeComment