The Time is Now

In a previous post, I wrote about the importance of knowing and owning the idea that it’s okay to ask for help. In fact, we want to help. If you don’t ask, though, we assume you got it.

Quick side note: I would tell my students that each of them was here for a purpose. Part of that purpose is helping others with their purpose. 

...and we’re back!


Most of the time, we do “got it.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “I got this.” Or, how many times I’ve said “I got this.” Usually when the pizza arrives.

Eventually, though, we’ll come across that feeling that maybe we don’t got this on our own. So, as a reminder, it’s okay to ask for help.

The next part of the equation, maybe the larger part, is recognizing when to ask for help. I mean, if you’ve fallen down a well, that may be a good time to ask for help (especially if your name is “Timmy” and you have a dog named Lassie). When the pizza arrives and the piano has fallen on your leg, that may be a good time to ask for help. You wouldn’t want the pizza to get cold.

When I first launched Inspire Me Mr V, I was expecting it to be challenging. Quickly, I felt like a young 23-year old, fresh out of college. I attended a networking event, not knowing what that entailed. Didn’t feel like I had my ducks in a row when asked if I had any business cards, I can tell you that for sure. I became self-conscious, and I lost my confidence. 

As Pandemic 2020 continued, I felt more and more lost. Sure, I made attempts to hang in - I took a few online classes, participated in some virtual improv sessions, and read a lot. Then, I jumped back into the fray. 

This time, however, was different. I felt good about the momentum I started. Yet, there were days when I thought “I’m not sure what I should be working on.” ‘Cause, you know, when you’re an entrepreneur, there’s no one to tell you that the Widget Report is due at 3 tomorrow. Staring at the monitor, waiting for a client email to arrive just ain’t gonna’ cut it. 

I recognized that I needed help.

Recognize when it’s time to reach out for help.

Recognize when it’s time to reach out for help.

I reached out and found a coach. Our initial six-month engagement was a rounding success. In one of our initial meetings, I mentioned how I felt I had l lost all my confidence. It was a new and uncomfortable experience for me. And I hated it! I hated it when I was 23; I hated it even more now.

“Joe, how long were you teaching?” she asked.

“Ten years.”

“And before that, how long were you in interactive media?”

“Almost twenty years.”

“Uh-huh. And, how many businesses have you started?” she continued with her line of questioning.

“ ….. none?” I replied, not sure of what answer she was looking for.

“Right, none. Of course you feel a lack of confidence. I bet if you went into a classroom, you’d rock it?”


Her guided questioning helped me realize that what I wasn’t alone in what I was feeling. And, it was okay to be feeling that way. 

Since then, my confidence has grown by leaps and bounds. Inspire Me Mr V is growing at a steady pace. I’ve even added coaching to one of the services I provide. 

What’s the time? Now.

What’s the time? Now.

It’s all because not only did I ask for help, I recognized that the time was Now to ask for help.

Recognize that time yourself. Ask for help; we’ll be here for you. Remember - you got this.

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