It's Monday?!

It’s a Monday! Fresh start. A day to refresh, to restart, to attack BIG!

Why do people dread Mondays so? It’s the start of the week. Oh sure, I get it. You enjoyed the weekend - getting house projects done, watching sports, accountable to no one save maybe the family. Maybe you got together with friends or family and created memorable moments. Maybe you had time to fold the laundry or work on that hobby: brew some beer, work in the shop, play some improv. Maybe you cut the lawn or took a long hike. 

And now, now Monday comes, and it’s back to the routine - get up, shower, get the kids to school, punch in. Say “Hey” to Bob in Accounting. Discuss the buzzer beater by the water cooler. Catch up on email from people who think weekends are for emailing. Start processing the widgets reports while preparing for yet another meeting that’s planning a meeting. At the end of the day, clocking out, knowing tomorrow will be much the same.

And you don’t feel you can escape because…?

But what if, what if, you could change that?

What if it wasn’t the same old dull routine, week in and week out? What if Mondays became something to look forward to?

Part of it is perception and what we tell ourselves:

“I have to go to work….” 


“I get to go to work…”

Sounds simple enough. Pay attention to the words you choose. Words have power, not only for the listener but also for you. The words you choose to use affect your audience, the room, You.

Also, what about your attitude? Are you positive? Do you spread that positivity? Are you looking on the bright side of things (granted, I acknowledge that’s not possible in every circumstance). Thinking about the good work you do or the amazing growth you’ll experience when the widget report is finished.

Or, maybe, just maybe, you need a change? I know that’s a big step. And, I’ll admit, one not taken lightly. First, I encourage you to do some soul searching. Do you feel you have a purpose, a mission? Do you feel significant? You should. Are you doing something to feed that purpose? Some people work so they can feed their purpose; others, the purpose is their work, even if they don’t call it that.

Think about it this way - if money were no object, what would you like to be doing in fifteen years? 10? 5?

Ask your teenagers that question. It’s different from “what do you want to do?” 

I want to be 

an engineer, 

a lawyer, 

a teacher.

Okay, all great. The question, though is “What do you want to be doing?”

I want to design prosthetics for children.

I want to fight for social justice.

I want to inspire children to study science.

There’s a difference there that means so much. In the second, there’s action, movement, something to visualize. What steps can you take now to start getting that ball rolling? 

And once you’re fulfilling what you want to be doing, you’ll look forward to Mondays, when you can start all over again.

Stay awesome!

Looking to read more? Wanting help finding your purpose? Find me online.


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Joe Van Haecke