All I Do Is Win!

“All I do is win, win, win.” -DJ Khaled

I’m part of a mastermind of success or life coaches. We start each meeting asking for others to share a recent success, small or big. In a group of over 60, we only have time for a few. Fortunately, many of us know how to use the chat feature in Zoom!

My Dad starts our weekly conversations with “What’s new?”


I have a personal success coach. We start each weekly session with “what are some wins?”

When we started, I sometimes had a hard time thinking of a win. I wanted it to be something big and monumental. A building block or foundational piece that I can rest my business and success on.

I’ve worked to change my perception. To open my point of view. To take the blinders off. I’m working to recognize the wins for what they are: WINS. It doesn’t matter if they’re big or small, incremental or life altering. A win is a win is a win.

And once you start seeing Life that way, all you do is win, win, win!

Here are some of my recent wins:

To keep myself afloat while building my business, I substitute teach in middle and high schools. I’ve been to the middle school so often that the teachers know me and they know I don’t play games and I’ll deliver their lesson plans as best as I can. They often request my services, and at times, I’m booked full for two weeks in advance. WIN!

I am at the high school occasionally. Recently, in between classes, one of the students stopped me in the hallway. “You’re a really good sub,” she said, “The way you take roll? And welcome everyone to class? That’s good, keep doing that.” And like that, she was gone! WIN!


I do most of the cooking in our household. Over the years, I’ve perfected a few things: cereal, ice-cream, frozen pizza. Seriously, though, I do have other dishes. My wife swears my salmon beats anything she’s had at a restaurant. My chicken alfredo lasagna is top notch. I get some ideas from recipes. Other things, I just experiment and make up as I go. Sometimes, I bomb; sometimes, it’s a homerun. I’d been working a pork stir-fry. Peppers? Check. Tomatoes? Check. Water chestnuts? Check. I just couldn’t get the pork right - it always came out dried. On a whim, I tried something different. I grilled the pork separately, then dropped it into the stir fry right before serving. The pork was moist and tender and oh, so flavorful! WIN!

I caught up on the laundry this weekend. WIN!


Stephen King is often asked “where do you get your ideas?” I’m sure, by now, he’s tired of hearing it. His usual response is something to the affect of “ideas are all around us. You just need to recognize them.” Your WINS are all around you. Learn to recognize them, no matter how large or small. And celebrate your WINS!

Another blog post written? WIN!

Joe Van Haecke