Be the Robin


I saw the coolest thing this morning, looking out the window of my home office. This robin was wrestling with a worm! It would pull the worm about halfway out of the ground. The worm, fighting for its life, would pull back down into the ground. They went back and forth three or four times before the robin finally won. 

The robin was pretty persistent. I mean, really persistent! It knew what it wanted and kept fighting for it. I’m sure it could have easily given up and found a worm somewhere else. Or a bug. I don’t know - what do robins eat? You know, besides worms? 

Think about this process:

The robin gets the inkling that either it’s hungry or it’s time to eat. Again, not a biologist (robin-ologist?...oh! “ornithologist!”). It goes foraging for food. Is it flying around? It’s not like there’s a WormBucks on every corner. Or has it learned to walk around some on the ground? Let’s say it has tested many ways to find the worm. At some point, it learned “hey, walking on the ground and tapping my feet is the best way to get the worm.” (and, maybe getting up early? I think I heard that once.) 


So, after all this testing of ideas, its found the best way to find a worm. You know, for the robin. Bluejays may have a different approach, and that’s cool, too. Now, the real work begins.

The robin digs or scrapes or pecks until it catches the worm. Now it has the worm in its beak. Success, right?

Not so fast, my friend. The worm is fighting back; it’s resisting. There’s still work to do. Even when you think you got the worm, there is still work to do.

So the robin and the worm struggle for a while. With each pull, the robin feels stronger and stronger, until, finally, success! And breakfast! Two big wins in one!

Later that day, the robin is probably hanging out with other robin friends.


“My dudes! You wouldn’t believe it - this morning? I’m getting this worm, right? And this worm, this WORM, is fighting back!”

“What, no way? What did you do?”

I tell you what - I fought right back! No way a worm is going to get the best of me! And let me tell you - that worm? Delicious!”

Then there’s all these cheers and high feathers.

Find inspiration wherever you can. Be the robin: know your goal and fight for it. Test and experiment your ideas to find what’s right for you. Be prepared for resistance. Then, share your victories.

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