Improv for Leadership Workshop!

October 28
November 4, 11, 18
6 - 8 pm
The Hall
111 S 11 Street, Suite 200
West Des Moines, IA

  • Enhance your leadership skills:

  • Actively listen

  • Embrace failure

  • Take big risks

  • Create a safe and supportive space

Be a better communicator, collaborator, and stronger leader! Lead with a "Yes, And..." attitude while surrounded by "yeah, but..." people.

Space is limited to 16! Sign up now to reserve your spot.

Applied Improv

Improve communication & collaboration, build a thriving, flourishing culture, and develop emerging leaders through meaningful & engaging workshops.

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1:1 Coaching

Rediscover your purpose, feel significant, and be the best version of yourself through an extended one-to-one coaching engagement.

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Keynote Speaking

Engaging stories and entertaining interactivity combine for a keynote that won’t soon be forgotten: a talk that resonates with everyone, from Aerospace Engineers to Zoo Keepers.

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Rediscover Your Purpose

• Achieve your goals
• Start working on your dream
• Bring more positivity to your life


Let’s Play!

Are you looking to inspire your people to

• Take risks?
• Engage positively?
• Communicate?
• Collaborate?
• Create?

Through socially distanced or virtual workshops, we build teams of leaders prepared for today’s challenges to achieve your goals.


Infuse humor, positivity, and purpose into your organization, and you’ll get…

  • Better leaders

  • Better teams

  • Better people