Celebrate a Finish

I have two cans of shaving cream going at the moment. That’s out of character for me. I get a little OCD about stupid things. Not like clinical or Monk-level, but you know, I like things how I like them! In the case of the shaving cream, I really prefer to finish one can before starting another.

Finishing a can feels like “I finished!” Like an accomplishment. There’s some joy in that. Which needs to be celebrated.

It’s time to celebrate!

I hear you – “Joe, you’re asking me to celebrate finishing a can of shaving cream? It’s going to get used one way or the other!” Sure, and you could give a little cheer for that.

What about, though, that project from work? Have you finished? Did you celebrate? Maybe you took the team out for dinner and drinks? A luncheon? A good book?

Have you finally finished the remodel of the kitchen? Did you “master” the guitar after lessons all these years?


We finished all the ice! Winning!

That feeling of accomplishment, of finishing something (big or small), is important. It reminds us that we’re alive, that we have purpose, that somehow, we’ve contributed to this thing we call Life. Yes, even if it’s finishing a can of shaving cream.

Go finish something, anything. When you do, celebrate it. You did it!

What’s something you’ve finished lately? How did you celebrate? Leave a note in the comments below and let me know.

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