Starting Something New

I started a new can of shaving cream today. I know, right?!

Not a big deal…except that I haven’t finished the other can! My mind immediately gave a big sigh and a moment of frustration.

I can get kind of anal retentive sometimes. Usually, not a big deal, but you know, if you open a second gallon of milk before the first is finished? Grrr! I find that carries over to other things as well: why did we open a second jar of pickles? The second box of Apple Jacks? How many house projects can we have going on?!

That got me thinking about finishing things. I mean, really, in the above examples, what’s the big deal? Is it worth my time and energy stressing over it? Most definitely not.

It becomes an issue when our mind locks into something minor and wants to insist that it gets finished before we start something else.

Do you find yourself getting hung up on minor things? Here’s a strategy you may want to try: when you feel that moment of “grrr,” ask yourself, “Is this a big deal? Does it really matter?” Give yourself a moment to breathe and choose how to respond.

Give that a try in the next few days.

Needing help recognizing those moments? Schedule a complimentary coaching call!

Joe Van Haecke