"But I'm not funny..."

One common thread when I set up workshops for clients is "I'm not funny."

Know what? That's great. Honestly, I don't want you to be funny or even *try* to be funny. I would much rather you be present, authentic, and willing to be vulnerable. We're going to step outside our comfort zone; trying to be funny can undermine the trust and learning.

Yet, I have yet to lead a workshop that wasn't filled with laughter, smiles, giggles all in a shared experience. That laughter creates bonds and community while establishing a sense of play that allows us to grow and learn at our best.

Money quote from this article: "...we’re funniest when we’re not trying so hard to be funny."

Interested in an applied improv workshop? Curious about how you can bring improv into your organization to transform the work environment? Ready to strengthen communication, collaboration, and leadership? DM me and we'll set up a meeting.

#leadership #yesandlife #appliedimprov

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