Lift Them Up

A friend recently posted “Who can you lift up today?” to open a discussion.

And that got me thinking about the various ways we can lift each other up. To start, I like to make sure I’m in the right state myself. I lift myself up with some morning routines – a low-intensity workout, some mindful meditation, some affirmations. It may sound “woo-woo,” yet it works for me.

Now, bring it on world! Here are some ways I lift others up:

  • Share an honest “good morning” with a smile.

  • Write a quick note on a Post-It to pass along. Identify one specific thing I appreciate or have noticed recently.

  • Compliment a change in hair style, clothing choice, or shoes.

  • Ask “how are you?” and remain present while listening.

  • Smile.

  • Engage in unique conversation. It’s easy to ask “what’s your favorite X?” try asking “what’s your least favorite X?”

We’re social creatures. Let’s make time to be sociable and honor those around us by staying present and letting them know that right here and now, nothing is more important than they are.

Be prepared for what happens next. Watch how it affects you while you’re busy lifting others up!

I’m curious – what are some ways you lift others up? Let me know in the comments! I enjoy good conversation as well as learning!

Joe Van HaeckeComment