A Roller Coaster? ...sure.

We went to Disney’s Hollywood Studios recently. After 284 years of Covid, it was time to get away from the house and experience a full vacation.

As we’re walking into the park, I have a talk with my boys. “My challenge for us today is to ride as much as we can. Even if it looks scary, lean into that and let’s do it!”

Before we go any further, I have to tell you …. I’m not a fan of roller coasters. Tall ones, short ones, wooden, or stand-up – stand-up roller coasters? Are they insane?!

You get my point. My heart starts racing even looking at them. Or waiting in line? My breathing accelerates, the heart races, the stomach starts dropping already.

The scientific, logical side of my brain tries to calm me down. Look how long the ride has been here. It’s totally safe. It’ll be over in a few moments. Engineers smarter than you have this all figured out! It’ll be okay!

Meanwhile, my emotions throw in the towel! Look, you two figure this out yourself – I’m taking a nap!

When I’m in line with my family, I keep all this bottled up. Just breathe, take a step forward in line, we’re almost there.

So, here we are, in line to ride the Rockin’ Roller Coaster. Everyone else is excited, even my 80-year old mother-in-law! Just breathe, just breathe.

We’re through the gate, and I’m sitting next to my oldest son. We buckle in as the harness comes down. I’m already gripping on for dear life; his hands are in the air like he just doesn’t care!

We’re off! Shot out of the cannon onto the track and whirling left, right, up a hill, down a drop, a spin, a twist, upside down into a drop. To make matters worse, it’s an enclosed coaster! Pitch black save for illuminated signs that seem like they’ll smash into my head! Left, right, my stomach pops out of my mouth and then back into place! Another corkscrew.

It's finished! I survived! I look around at the shining faces with huge smiles on their faces and realize I’m wearing the same goofy expression.

Life is like that. It can be a roller coaster sometimes. We can choose to face our fears and enjoy the ride. We can choose to face our fears and try something that scares us. Yes, the ride may be unpredictable, frightening, and uncomfortable. On the other end, though, …well, that’s for you to enjoy.

Here's my challenge for you. In the next week, recognize something you fear. Lean into it anyway. Notice how you feel after you come out the other side. When you do, let me know. Drop your story in the comments below. I love to hear them!

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