What's This About? Pt 3

My friend tips his drink back one last time and sets the empty glass on the bar.

“A coach? Is that really a thing?”

Working with a coach can be as easy as a phone call away.

Uh, yeah! I know, I know – I was skeptical at first, too. Then, I hit a point building this business that I was stuck. I’d sit in my office, thinking “what am I supposed to be working on?”

In previous professions, I always knew what I needed to work on. If it wasn’t a project or proposal, it was lesson plans or grading papers. Now, I have no one telling me “Hey, Joe – we need the Widget-Sprocket Analysis by Friday” or “…grades are due Thursday.” I was lost, unproductive, and questioning my decision to start this adventure.

To make matters worse, I had lost all my confidence. My Imposter was throwing a rave in my head and all the other voices were hopped-up on goofballs!

The best thing I did for myself recently was hire my own coach. We worked together for 18 months. The investment I made in myself was worth every penny; I would not be here without her. Let me share a few of the wins I experienced:

  •  We started off each session listing recent “wins,” big or small, personal or professional. It’s now a daily practice for me. Recognizing your own successes builds a momentum of success.

  • She helped me realize I’ve never started a business before. Of course, my confidence would be shattered!

  • She taught me how to connect with people, stay curious, and grow my network.

  • Together, we worked with the Imposter and all its friends to recognize when and how they show up. We reframed them as your inner-self wanting you to succeed rather than trying to trip you up.

“And improv?”

 Dude, let me tell you about the power of improv! Anyone can learn the process of this art form. I’m not looking to make performers*; I’m looking to help others see the transformative power of apply the Yes, And… Method™ to their lives. Here are a few ways improv has transformed my life:

  • I laugh. A lot more. At myself and with others.

  • I carry an air of confident positivity with me everywhere.

  • I don’t worry nearly as much as I used to.

  • My Perfectionist doesn’t speak as loudly as he used to.

  • The Judge or Critic in my head has no power here.

  • My Imposter is more of an ally than a foe.

  • I accept change as an improv move in the scene of Life.

  • I’m more at Peace with, well, everything.

We’re improvising every day. Why not be the best we can? Working with a coach and applying the Yes, And… Method has improv-ed my life.

Are you curious what improv coaching may sound like for you? Let’s schedule a free complimentary coaching call and start applying the Yes, And… Method to your life!

*If you are interested in performing improv in front of an audience, I got you covered as well!

Joe Van Haecke