Time to Restart. Again!

I started teaching myself to play the ukulele.


It's okay to start fresh again. It's a coaching strategy for all of us.

Ignore those “demons” and keep going!

Yes, I said “again!” I seem to pick it up for a few days and try some things. Maybe it’s slowly working through a “teach yourself…” book or finding songs on the Internet or just strumming around. That lasts a few days and then …

Time slips.

In the past, I’ve beat myself up for that. It sounded something like this:

  • “Ugh, I should try the ukulele today.”

  • “Way to go, Joe, you’re really wanting to learn to play.”

  • “Why do you try?”

That language is self-defeating and only serves to get in our way. The sarcasm and judgement we use on ourselves slowly cuts into our self-esteem, our psyche, and our ambitions.

To counter that, I just tell myself I’m starting new, starting fresh. I’m reminded of a quote from Jon Acuff, that I use often: “give yourself permission to suck at something new.”

Do this: try something new. Give yourself permission to struggle with it. Keep at it and find the joy in that moment of starting something new. Again.

Are you ready to suck at something new? Ready to experience the success you deserve? Need a champion, a cheerleader, a thought-partner, or a coach? Schedule a complimentary coaching call today to see what it’s like working with me.