There's Always Time for Choice

 We always have a choice; the challenge is recognizing when to make that choice.

I gave a “micro” applied improv workshop recently at Central College in Pella, Iowa. After a brief introduction of my story, we had time for three activities – barely scratching the surface!

Afterward, I opened the floor for some Q&A: “Did you come up with ‘yes, and…’?”

I’m saying it right now – yes, it was me that came up with “Yes, and…”!

If only! I’d have trademarked the hell out of it and be writing this from my beach house in Cabo.

That exchange got me thinking again of the importance of “Yes, and…”.  

When we study improv and the idea of “yes, and…,” we’re time to listen to what’s being said. In what I’m calling “The Yes, And…”Moment (trademark pending!), we have an opportunity to make a choice.

We say “yes” to the person’s idea, then we add onto it, build onto it, develop it further. That’s the “and.” In that moment between “yes” and “and,” we have the opportunity to make a choice.

We can choose our emotions, our physical actions, our words, our response.

When we watch an improv show, the improvisors have practiced this skill repeatedly. (Yes, improvisors rehearse!) The comedy comes from the tension being broken, either by fulfilling audience expectations or completely subverting them! It happens fast, and we leave asking ourselves “How did they do that?!”

Truth is, we’re well practiced in recognizing the opportunity for choice in the “Yes, And…”Moment ™. The great thing is everyone can learn these skills to start living a “Yes, and…” Life.

We always have a choice. Let’s learn to recognize that moment when we can make a choice.

Interested in how studying improv can transform your life? Schedule a complimentary coaching call today!

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