Permission Given

“Give yourself permission to __________________ .”

I was thinking about the phrase just this morning. It seems to me it’s more powerful than just a trite saying.

We tend to build barriers or obstacles for ourselves that slow us down or keep us from finishing, or even starting, a goal or a dream. I know I get in my own way of accomplishing my goals.

Often, it’s our Perfectionist getting in the way. That voice or feeling that we shouldn’t try something because it’s not going to be perfect. And, if it’s not perfect the first time, why should I waste my time doing it in the first place?

We build these “rules” to follow that prevents us from even starting. Here’s the rub – if we don’t start, we’re never going to finish! If we don’t start, we’re never going to learn. If we don’t start, we’re never going to grow.

Nothing is perfect the first time. We never see the many revisions Kurt Vonnegut went through to bring us Slaughterhouse Five. We never see the many cuts discarded on the editing room floor of Star Trek. We never hear the unused takes from the recording of {insert your favorite album here}. Thank goodness we get to see the gag reels of Toy Story!

Here’s my challenge – when you find yourself not starting a project, working on a dream, or just something new, take a moment and give yourself permission to ____________________ .  Whatever is stopping you, give yourself permission to do the opposite!

Drop me a line in the comments below. What are you giving yourself permission to do today?

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