The Battle of the 'Verts

This conversation recently happened in my head:

Extrovert: {sigh} I:’m dying! This is killing me! I'm dying!

Introvert: You’re not dying.

Extrovert: You don’t know! This is horrible. I:I'm dying!

Introvert: Well, then, die already. I can finally be alone with my thoughts.

E: I should know better than to ask you to understand.

I: Please. If anyone should get some sympathy, it’s me. I mean, the whole world is made for you. Movies, shows, bars, restaurants - you get it all.

E: Yeah, I do! That’s awesome; I get to see everyone I know. Meet new people. 

I: That sounds … horrific.

E: Are you kidding me? It. Sounds. Awesome.

I: I’m awesomely exhausted just thinking about it. Listen, can’t we just sit here and enjoy the moment?

E: Enjoy the moment? What’s to enjoy? We’re stuck here at home.

I: I like being home!

E: Don’t get me wrong. I do, too, sometimes. When I get to choose. At the moment, I: don’t have a choice. I: want to go out. I want to see people. Being cooped up here is … is … it’s exhausting!

I: There. There it is. Now do you understand how I feel?

E: What do you mean?

I: Hmmph. How often do we have to have this conversation? That exhaustion? That’s how I feel after going out. I have fun, but I need some down time to recharge.

E: Yeah! And then we go out again!


I: Maybe? Wouldn’t it just be nice to sit here and enjoy some quiet conversation?

E: C’mon! We’ve been doing that for the past year. It’s time to get back out there, to see people, to be seen!

I: I can see that it’s been tough on you.

E: That’s all I’m saying! 

I: Now, hear what I’m saying! I want to see people, too. I’m just not thrilled to be in huge crowds.

E: ...yet. In huge crowds yet

I: Or maybe at all?

E: Nuts to that. Things are opening up. I’m going out!

I: I get it. We’ve been stuck here for what? 15 months? I know you feel this is killing you, and..

E: You have loved every minute of it.

I: I have enjoyed it, yes. Haven’t you learned anything though? 

E: I’ve learned I hate being cooped up. How do you do it?

I: It’s me. I need that quiet time. I think it would be good for you, too.

E: Wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! I’ve had enough quiet time. I’m getting back out there. I:’m seeing people. I’m going to live, dammit!

I: ...okay. See you later, then?

E: I’ll be sure to wake you.


(hours later…)

I: ...ugh, what time is it?

E: It’s late. I think. I’m not sure.

I: So, how was it?

E: Um, was? ...I’m kind of wiped out.

I: I’m sorry, what?

E: I’m kind of wiped out. Exhausted. 

I: Oh? Tell me more.

E: You know, it was fun seeing everyone again. At first, it was kind of awkward. Do we shake hands? Hug? High five? The elbow thing seems so January.

I: Uh-huh. And...

E: Then, conversations started. We were all “what’d you do to get through the year?” and “how are you?” and “what’s next?” Lots of laughs, lots of smiles. You know, good times, but...

I: But…?

E: Man, I am worn out! Like, I’m out of shape or something.


I don’t believe we are strictly an introvert or extrovert. We tend to lean more toward one or the other, and we have to listen to both sides. We’re all excited to return or restart society. Keep in mind, we’re different people than we were 15 months ago. We’re going to need time to transition into whatever is next. Personally, I’m excited about returning to perform and coach improv while also anxious about it. 

Here’s the thing: everyone will move at their own pace. It may be a more challenging transition for some. How can we help everyone remember how to communicate? How to work together? How to function as a person in this world we’re creating together? Remember how we gave each other and ourselves grace? Keep doing that.

Find some strategies to help get back into the swing of being in the office, socializing after work, or going out with friends. First of all, though, take care of yourself. Love your Introvert and Extrovert.

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