Success Is Not A Competition

“Success is not a competition.”

Competitin is everywhere. Filter the noise to realize it doesn’t have to be.

Lately, I’ve found myself comparing myself to others.

For example, my brother works for JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory). JPL provides the engineering for NASA. He’s not a rocket scientist; he just works with rocket scientists! Almost every week, I get to hear about the upcoming projects that we’re sending into space! He’s got a really cool job!

Yesterday, I was running errands and was passed by this 2023 Cherry Red Corvette. It looked like a pod-racer from The Phantom Menace! The light turned green and, with a roar, it was gone. My 2012 Mazda 5 family car just couldn’t keep up!

This morning, I realized I was putting things in the wrong order: success isn’t a competition. We compete to be successful, and the Number One person we are competing with is ourselves!

How we define our own success, and what that looks like, is the important thing. Take time to recognize our current success. Be proud of that. Celebrate our wins, big or small. Keep in mind that how we define success may be different than how others define success. It may not be working with rocket scientists or driving a fancy sports car. Our success is our and no one can take that away from us.

Next time you find yourself comparing your success, remember, success is not a competition; the competition leads to your success!

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