Black Out?

If our current situation were an improv show, I’d be desperately hoping for the black out to end the scene.

Alas, it’s not. However, we can use the same improvisational strategies to progress “the scene” and accept and build on the offers our “scene partners” are giving us. 

Whatever the situation, staying at home, visiting the store, or working remotely or in the office, we perform daily. When I coach people in improvisation, I’m not looking for funny; I’m looking for honest. The tools we use in improvisation apply to everyone, everyday:

  • Listening

  • Accepting the reality

  • Making someone else’s ideas look brilliant

  • Treating each other as artists and geniuses

  • Using “yes” to open doors

  • Taking risks

Let’s be honest, this temporary reality is one long improv scene. And then, the second act will begin as we reassimilate and the stage will be wiped or cleared for us to start anew. Let’s be ready for this moment, and the next, and the next, together.

Contact me if you’re interested in discussing how I can help you, your colleagues, or your teams learn skills that will aid during our next transition and beyond.  Click here to schedule a virtual coffee.

Stay strong; stay awesome.