'Tis the Season
It’s that time of year – the changing of the seasons. Did you notice?
This fantastic Halloween display changes annually in my neighborhood. Always a pleasure to see what happens next.
Sometimes, it’s easy – like the day after Halloween, all the Christmas décor comes out. Black Friday sales are already being advertised. (On a side note, I sometimes feel bad for Thanksgiving. It definitely has middle-child syndrome!)
Most seasons are easy to identify:
The upcoming holidays.
The turning of the calendar.
The weather.
What about the seasons in our life? Some of those are easier to recognize:
Your first steps.
Learning to ride a bike.
The first day of kindergarten. Of middle school. Of college.
Other seasons aren’t easy to see – the progress of your career, the day-to-day reality, the big dream it’s time to start working on, the desire to leave an impact on the world around you.
The seasons of our life aren’t set to a calendar or schedule. There’s not many decorations or lawn displays. There may be a party? The seasons aren’t routine, and some seasons are more disruptive than others, like losing a loved one, changing careers, a marriage or sending the last child off on their own journey. Just like winter gives way to spring, which ushers in summer that gives way to fall, the seasons of our lives are constantly changing and no two are alike.
Here’s the thing – each season has its own challenges and opportunities for growth and learning. It may be subtle and quick or longer and arduous. Some seasons will come and go without even a thought; others will be chaotic and disruptive. Some days, you’ll wake up buried under the weight of the world; others, you’ll jump out of bed and conquer the world. Seasons are like that.
Here’s a comforting thought: each season is preparing us for the next. Whether you’re in the middle of a season, the beginning of a new one, or transitioning to the next, everything has prepared you for this one. You may not feel ready, but you are!