Call to Adventure

I read Lord of the Rings for the first time when I was in fifth grade, and it changed everything.

For Christmas that year, Mom got me my own boxed set that I still own. It’s worn and dog-eared. The Two Towers is held together with strapping tape. I could not tell you how many times I’ve read them.

While I loved the movies, I was hesitantly optimistic about the Amazon Prime series. I was pleasantly surprised, and I’m looking forward to season two!

Minor spoilers ahead.

I often make note when anything speaks to me, be it a song, a quote from a poem or book, or even a movie or tv show.

In the final episode of season one, one character is about to depart while another is deciding whether to join them or stay behind. The writers dropped this nugget:

“Alone is just a journey; together, it’s an adventure.”

That really spoke to me and got me thinking. Somewhere along the line, we got it tucked in our head that we must go it alone. “Bring it on, Life, I can do this all by myself!” We become too proud to ask for help. We give off airs that we have it all together. We take pride in having our plates overloaded.

We’re not the lone wolf. We’re not the Grinch, sitting alone in his cave.

We’re social creatures that need each other. Our individual journey is our own; yet, we can have our journey and make it an adventure it we choose.

Who will you have an adventure with today?

Joe Van Haecke