And here it is – the New Year! A time when we make goals, reflect on the year, start going to the gym. A time to start again! Congratulations on making another trip around the sun. Now, how are we going to attack this new year?

Sound familiar? It does to me! Yet, I struggle during this transition as well. Sometimes, my reflections focus on what I didn’t accomplish, rather than what I did. I make a conscious and intentional effort to remind myself, “that was my best year!” Even worse, I see my friends posting on their success and future goals. While I’m happy and excited for them, I also find myself end a spiral of comparison. All things our brain attaches to, yet we know that becomes unproductive thinking. Nevertheless, the time is now to revisit goals, dreams, and experiment.

Here's what I do when I’m feeling low – it’s a new year, which is a time to restart. Reboot the system. CTRL-ALT-DELETE! When I think about that, I recognize that each month can be a new start. In fact, every week, every day, every single moment is a change to start again.

So, as you start your day, your week, your New Year, ask yourself how you’re going to take steps to move toward your dreams. Remember, now is the moment to start again!

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