The Impact You Make

I had the pleasure of running into a former student yesterday. She’s starting her second year of the two-year program, and we had a great time catching up. She was a star in my inaugural “Improv for Leaders” class.

After some small talk, she mentioned how much she had enjoyed the class last January.

I was honored, and then she kept going.

“I still use ‘Yes, And…’ all the time!”


“At home, at work … I mean, we were just setting norms for our groups in class. Professor __________ asked what has worked for us in the past. We all said ‘Yes, And…!’”

I took that to heart.

We rarely know the type of impact we have on others. You’ve probably picked up by now how important and transformational I know the process of improv can be. How it’s transformed my life for the better. How I’ve seen the transformation firsthand from my workshops and coaching. It’s still refreshing and validating to have your work acknowledged.

That feedback made my day. It also was a reminder to stay on this path, this journey. It’s been challenging, and there are days when I question myself. Hearing such positive feedback encourages me to keep doing the good work I believe in.

Here’s today’s strategy and challenge for you: take time to reflect on those moments when someone has had a positive impact in your life. If you’re able to, reach out to them to say “thank you.” Be specific about a moment the lesson impacted you and how you’ve applied it. Honestly, that’s win-win for everyone!

Joe Van Haecke