If You Can See It

“If you can see it, you can do it.”

I’m guest teaching for an art teacher today. In the room next to me, another teacher is explaining a new project to his class. Through the open door, I can hear him introducing a new project and encouraging his students.

“If you can see it, you can do it.”

I assume he’s talking about sketching some fruit in a bowl or making a papier mâché version of Modok. But that phrase caught my ear.

When I work with my coaching clients, and even when I’ve had my own coach, that question comes up a lot: “so what might that look like?”

When we plan a trip, we use a map to see our destination. A map even gives us directions on how to arrive.

Baking a cake? The finished product is right there, on the box!

Building an Ikea bookshelf? It looked great in the model room on the sales floor. Not only did you get to see it, you even recognized some of the books on the shelf. If only the faux cardboard books were included! You also have sketches of the finished product and a step-by-step info graphic on how to build it, even without all the appropriate hardware.

The thing about goals or big dreams is they can be difficult to see. Take time to sketch it out. Or, if you’re like me and can’t draw a stick person, write it out. Shout it out to the Universe to help yourself see it.

“If you can see it, you can do it.”

Ready to make that vision come to life? Looking for a coach, an accountability partner, or a friend to help finish that goal? Learn more about my coaching approach and schedule a complimentary call today!  

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