Big Dreams Bring Big Happiness

I follow a number of podcasts. While I can’t make time for each one, each week, I have a healthy sized library of about a dozen that I enjoy. The topics range from insightful, like The Moth or Radiolab; to personal, like Something For Nothing - The Rush Fancast or Fake Doctors, Real Friends; to business related, like Marketing Made Simple, to name a few. One of the more consistently inspirational ones is produced by a buddy of mine: Above Average Leadership

Travis Crutcher of Above Average Leadership.

Travis Crutcher of Above Average Leadership.

Travis Crutcher is a former military leader and now a successful podcaster, speaker, and leadership coach. His weekly podcast, Above Average Leadership, has recently been ranked in the Top 5% of all podcasts; his goal is to get into the 1%. If you’re of the faint of heart, maybe you’ll want to pass; however, if you can take the occasional f-bomb, I highly recommend giving him a listen. He tackles topics we all wrestle with, including the imposter, procrastination, and the “can’t mentality.” He can be brutally honest and never beats around the bush. He backs up his ideas with hilarious and insightful stories from his time in the military and serving overseas. Oh, and he does it all with his co-host, wife Jesse.

Which brings me to the point. He recently celebrated his one year anniversary of podcasting. He hosted a live feed of the episode with Jesse. Near the end, she drops this bomb: “With big dreams comes big happiness.”

Make a splash with your big happy!

Make a splash with your big happy!

Let that sink in. I’ll wait.

Just for good measure: “With big dreams comes big happiness.”

That’s like something I wish I’d said. Chances are, I’ll probably drop it somewhere along the line in discussion, a coaching session, or an improv workshop. 

It should be on a motivational poster.

It should be on t-shirts, coasters, coffee mugs.

Think about the people in your life. Those that are happy yet maybe there’s a slight tone of remorse. Are they living their big dream? How could you help them? How about those that just seem to be struggling, day by day? Maybe they “hate their job” or feel lost or, I don’t know, really wanted a Shamrock Shake but the shake machine at McDonald’s was broken again and it’s starting to rain and I’m late for call time and this is my life - ugh. Can you reach out to them? Offer a hand or ask how they’re doing? Or get them a shake? On the other hand, think of those that you automatically describe as happy (with a capital H)? Are they living their dreams? How could you help them? 

I know that may sound weird. If they’re living their dreams, can I help them? Of course you can! Seriously, the end of the journey isn’t the end. It’s the beginning of another journey. Just because they’ve seemingly achieved the dream, that doesn’t mean they won’t need help ever again.

Whatever you’re dreaming, dream bigger.

Whatever you’re dreaming, dream bigger.

What about you? Are you dreaming big? Yes? Dream bigger! See how exciting that feels? Now, what are you going to do about it? Feel free to say “eh, nothing.” That’s cool. That’s your choice. So, what’s a dream you’re willing to do something about? Got it? Now, DREAM BIGGER! Find a way to get after it! Share that dream with those you love. Share it with those you like. Share it with those you “like-like!” Find help where you can! Seriously, what’s holding you back? 

I’ll say it again:

“With big dreams comes big happiness.” 

We all deserve both.

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