Attitude: It's Contagious

Recently, I managed to catch a cold. …or the flu? …or some bug that’s going around? I had some sinus pressure, an unproductive cough, and a throat that felt like sharp needles every time I swallowed. After two days of a painful sore throat, I thought maybe it was time to get tested for strep.

I drug myself out of bed, made myself presentable, and grabbed a mask. I didn’t even turn on the radio as I drove to the office! I wanted to stay as focused as possible.

Fifteen minutes after checking in, the Nurse Practitioner called me into the examination room. We went through the standard Q&A – temperature, weight, what’s going on? etc.

I responded to each in my jovial, light-hearted way.

She picked up on this and noted, “You’re certainly in a good mood for being here. Most people aren’t.”

I laughed, “Oh, trust me, I’d much rather not be here!”

We both chuckled together and continued with the exam. I could tell, although I really wanted to be back in bed trying to sleep, my positive energy was influencing her attitude and energy. We finished with inconclusive results (of course!), a negative strep test, and instructions to get some rest, drink plenty of fluids, take some Tylenol.

I realized something in that moment. The attitude we choose to bring to anything affects those around us. By choosing to be positive and light-hearted in an unpleasant or unwelcome situation, I set the tone for the examination. I also provided a moment of positivity for her, which has long-lasting effects.

Positivity is infectious; spread it rather than germs!

Here’s something for you to try. Next time you have to see a doctor or talk with an airline representative or leave your car at the shop, consider that the person you’re talking with may have been beaten up all day by other customers. Spread some cheer and positivity to see how they react.

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